
frost Winter is very much on its way.  The nights are drawing in. The sun is much too lazy to climb to the top of the sky, only to come crashing back again so soon, so it lingers at eye level, even at midday. The winds begin to pick up, and batter the last of the leaves clinging to the trees to the ground.  At night, even slap bang in the middle of the city, you can see hundreds of stars above you.

Autumn is my favourite time of the year.  Sure, I am a snow bunny and I love winter, but with autumn comes anticipation: anticipation for snow, for misting breath and for Christmas. And as everyone knows, anticipation is 90% of where the awesome comes from.

Anyway, I am writing this blog post mainly to share one awesome photo with you and tell you how excited I am about winter being just around the corner! I went to Aberdeen recently, and took this early morning photo out of the train window.  Every time I look at it, it makes me feel happy, so I figured I would like it if you, my dear readers, felt a similar joy.

Happy Autumn Everyone!
