Wednesday Wishlist

What better way to start a blog than a self indulgent wish list?! It’ll tell you all you need to know about me for now – my likes and loves and give you a wee taster of what (I hope) is to come! So, let’s jump straight in with my top 5 wishes of the day:

#1 Shoes.

I love shoes.  Mr Bubble even refers to our wardrobe as “the shoe room”, although I maintain a room needs far more than 35 pairs for it to become a shoe room! These beauties caught my attention on another blog (which I completely lost the link to, I’m sorry! But I did bookmark the shoes, I’m not sure what that says about me) earlier this month, and with the onset of spring they looked perfect.  Of course, the the price tag threw a spanner in the works, and it’s since started snowing again, so on the wishlist they go!

beautiful shoes

#2 Camera Bag

I am a rubbish photographer.  I have never been good at it, and doubt I will ever be any good at it.  But I enjoy taking pictures, and every now and again I have even managed to take a fairly decent one.  I like having a record of what I have done and where I’ve been, so I try and make and effort to take the camera with me whenever I go anywhere interesting.  The only problem is that our camera bag is depressingly practical.  And ugly.  It’s a boy’s camera bag that is dirty, dusty and just does the job.  Enter the amazing Epiphanie.  They do a range of beautiful camera bags, that no lady (or gent) needs to feel self conscious carrying.  Roomy enough for camera, flash and a few lenses; it also affords plenty of space for your essentials such as phone, wallet, keys, iPad, book, spare shoes… I also really like that it doesn’t look like a camera bag, which makes me less worried about being mugged, especially if I happen to be in a foreign city on my own.

Epiphanie Bag in purple

#3 Dresses

There is never a time when I’m not lusting over a dress from Joy. I have finally found a store that makes clothes that suit my figure and look gorgeous and I am addicted.  Hook, line and sinker. This dress is just too beautiful to pass me by, I especially love the cutaway back and bow. I have a sneaky suspicion it might be gracing my wardrobe come payday…

Joy Dress front Joy Dress front

#4 Organisation

I’m not sure if this is a fake wish or if it’s allowed. But it’s my blog and I can include whatever I want so my wish is to be as organised as the person whose room this is. I love making things, but since we’ve moved house my hobbies have found themselves on the back burner. Hopefully this will change soon, and what better way to find inspiration than sorting all of your materials and rediscovering lost gems?

Craft Room

#5 Summer Holidays…

I am very much a winter person.  I love snow.  It’s beautiful, it’s cold, it’s perfect. Winter is a time for shinny red noses poking out from layers of hats and scarves, steaming mugs of rich hot chocolate, mulled wine, comfort food, crackling fires (or pretending our gas fire can crackle and making the noises myself), skiing, snowball fights, cuddling on the sofa with Mr Bubble and the puppy.  But every now and again the beach beckons, and I begin to dream of sunshine, seafood and sangria.  We have been talking in depth about escaping to Sicily this summer for exactly that, and even though it’s not yet been a week since we returned from Val d’Isére, I find myself longing for June!  It’s not been helped by my favourite tweeter and current Commander of the International Space Station, @Cmdr_Hadfield, posting this picture of Syracuse recently:

Syracuse from Space

So there you have it! My first ever post, and not a cake in sight! I assure you, that is all about the change…

Mrs Bubble xxx